We leverage influential voices and inspire voters in local elections to help elect progressive candidates .
Election day 2021 is Tuesday, Nov. 2
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The Hometown Project inspires voter turnout in local elections and helps elect progressive local candidates by connecting well-known actors and musicians, called Hometown Energizers, with candidates and campaigns in their hometowns. By directly targeting district voters on social media with creative content featuring these influential voices, we seek to elevate the message of local campaigns and motivate voter turnout in local elections where a few hundred votes can make a big difference!
This year, we’re partnering with Clean Virginia to help get out the vote and maintain a progressive majority in the Virginia General Assembly, by supporting a slate of candidates most likely to push forward an agenda of sustainability. Holding this majority will ensure continued progress for all Virginians, which has both local and national implications because we can also help kindle progressive momentum heading into the 2022 midterm elections.
““I was part of this amazing thing called The Hometown Project— it encourages people who have a little bit of notoriety to go back to their hometowns and get people excited about local elections and voting. It’s a really positive way to do something.””