Fentrice Driskell


Running for: State Representative, District 63

which includes parts of Hillsborough County


Fentrice Driskell is a Tampa Attorney and a trusted community leader who focuses on real solutions to help the hardworking people of Florida. Her dad is a former dispatcher and her mom is a public school teacher of 35 years. Together, they taught Fentrice the value of hard work. Fentrice grew up attending Florida’s public schools before going on to Harvard and becoming the first African American female student to serve as president of the Undergraduate Council (student government) there. Fentrice also is a graduate of Georgetown Law School and partner at the Carlton Fields law firm. She has been a champion for her community since her election as State Representative in 2018, and she hopes to continue working for the people of Florida.


Strengthen public schools; increase economic opportunity and transportation; protect land and water.