Padma Kuppa


Running for: Michigan State Senate, District 9


Representative Padma Kuppa is currently serving her second term as State Rep for Michigan’s 41st house district. Now, she is seeking election to the State Senate, where she hopes to build upon her previous work to advance the needs of the communities she serves.

As a first generation American, and Michigander, Rep. Kuppa wants to preserve all the good things about Michigan that led her to move to the state 25 years ago with her young family. The economic opportunities, family resources, local public schools, and kindhearted neighbors quickly led her to fall in love with Michigan. 

She has served as engineer, and was the first woman to receive an engineering degree at her school in India. She has been an active advocate for education as she put her own children through school, and has been a passionate volunteer in the region for over two decades. 

Through her time as a Representative, she has advanced several bills and resolutions, served on several committees and caucuses, and advocated passionately for her communities. Now, she hopes to continue her work in the State Senate. 


-Public Schools 

-Access to healthcare and affordable prescription drugs 

-Supporting seniors and people with special needs 

-Empowering women 

-Clean energy and protecting the environment 

-Safety and violence prevention 

-Accountability and transparency 

-Affordable higher education 

-Protecting democracy