Jenn Hill


Running for: Michigan State House, District 109


Jenn Hill is a community leader focused on building a more resilient Michigan. Growing up in the Midwest, Jenn learned the importance of hard work, integrity, and service above self from her close-knit family who has come up to the UP to fish for generations. 

Elected to the Marquette City Commission in 2018, Jenn is a proven problem solver who works with others to get results. From proposing innovative climate resiliency measures, to helping residents navigate bureaucratic red tape, Jenn never loses sight of the bigger picture and who she’s fighting for: the people.

Jenn is running for State Representative to be our voice in Lansing, so that every UP family, worker, small business, student, and community cannot just survive, but thrive.


 Pursue housing affordability solutions

Confront the family caregiving crisis

Ensure access to healthcare

Create good paying jobs

Support small business

Strengthen public education

Prioritize water quality

Promote accessible accountable government

Strengthen civil rights and democracy